Putting it out there / by Sarah Morrison

Creating this website was hard - not just figuring out the platform, which is pretty easy but more time consuming than I had anticipated, it was hard to decide to make my work public.  What if nobody likes it?  Is it possible I'll be ridiculed?  And why does a grown woman worry so much?

But I want people to see what I make, heck even buy it so I have room in my house to create more art.  I am growing as an artist and excited about it.

So I decided to just show you.  These works represent nearly 10 years of painting.  Some years I made a lot of images, then again, some years there was so much other stuff going on I didn't paint for months at a time.  

In spring of 2015, I decided to make painting a regular practice and to go back to figure painting, something I had not really done since graduating from school. Now I know I will paint at least once a week.  And I've moved from watercolor to acrylic, from 11" x 15" and 15" x 22" sheets to 30" x 30" canvases.  They are grouped somewhat logically; except the Works in Progress because most of the recent figure paintings are still, and will be for a while, in progress. I just didn't want to put everything under one heading.

A few weeks ago, I decided to try a new challenge (or maybe I just wanted to buy even more art supplies) and take a plein air oil painting class. Those images are called Works in Progress.

Thank you for taking the time to look and read.  Please feel free to comment.